About Joe – Founder

Hey there,

Thanks for dropping by and welcome to The Optimal Health Hub!

Me, in a nutshell.

Why take advice from me and this site? Well, honestly, because I’m a regular guy. I have a standard 9-5 job, and live a non-exceptional life. I’m a busy dad with a family, I have standard genes that seem to make it hard to build muscle, and easy to gain fat.  I’m not a fitness influencer nor do I have all the hours in the day to work out, I’m not super fit and I don’t love the “burn”.

In short. I’m a regular Joe. Literally.

What this means though, is that I don’t have time for bullshit gimmicks, fad diets or any of the other nonsense that the health and fitness industry peddles.

With life being 100 miles per hour, and fitness often being an afterthought I, like you, need accurate information that is actionable and gives me the best bang for my buck.

Beware the Guru(s)

The health and fitness, wellbeing, wellness or any other industry term you want to call it, is full snake oil salesman and guru’s, constantly trying to lure you in in order to part you with your hard-earned cash in exchange for your dream body. They promise you 6 pack abs, bulging bicpes and bikini bodies if you just take their supplement, buy their new workout contraption or service. With their flashy advertising and talk of how easy it is, you take the bait and fall into their trap.

Disappointment follows, the “Bicep Builder 3000” arrives and, unsurprisingly, doesn’t live up to its hype, in fact it doesn’t work at all. You feel downhearted and despondent, frustrated and embarrassed that you fell for their cheap tricks.

But don’t worry, help is available…

The aim of this site

To have a relatively good level of health and fitness is, at its core,  pretty straightforward. In fact you already know it. Eat less, move more. See, told you that you knew it.

There is of course a lot of nuance around what to eat, and how to move. Which is where this website comes in. My goal is to provide you with the best possible information and processes to help you achieve your optimal levels of health, whatever that means to you.

If you have any questions or need any help, you can email me at joe.chaplin1988@gmail.com – I promise to get back to you within 24 hours.

All the best,

Joe Chaplin
The Optimal Health Hub

e: Joe@theoptimalhealthhub.com

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